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DMDW lecture This is the archive of my lecture called "Data Mining – Data Warehouse" that took place from February 2011 to June 2011.



inDMDW lecture

vonJohannes Hoppe

DMDW Lesson 02 – Data Mining Basics with Adventure Works

On 24, Feb 2011 | inDMDW lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe

I’m planning to repeat the 15 example questions (“homework”) tomorrow.
We will continue by normalizing a database table together on the white board.

I am sure that most of you (my students) have never done any data mining stuff before.
This is great, since I love it to throw students directly into the cold water for their first swimming lesson! :mrgreen:

I’m expecting that you have the following tools
and resources on your laptop:

There aren’t big differences in the various releases. I’m using an unpatched SQL Server 2008. Never versions of the SQL Server or the Samples will work, too. We will use the Data-Mining tools that Microsoft is giving to us. It will be you task to repeat everything at home.

Please keep in mind that Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 does not support Business Intelligence Development Studio Integration Services projects for SQL Server 2008 (R2). To work around this issue, you will have install Visual Studio 2008 alongside Visual Studio 2010 on the same machine and then open the Business Intelligence Development Studio projects in Visual Studio 2008.

Here is the guide that I will follow:

Update: Here are the slides!

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