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RIA lecture This is the archive of my lecture called "Rich Internet Applications" that took place from October 2010 to April 2011.



inRIA lecture

vonJohannes Hoppe

Developer Tools

On 10, Okt. 2010 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe

For the lecture you should have installed the following tools on your laptop:

@My students
Our university already paid for your licenses and joined the MSDN Academic Alliance (MSDN-AA). So get the software while it’s hot!

Log into the universities VPN portal and install and run the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client. Your machine must be a part of the universities network or the MSDN login will fail! (even with the correct login credentials!)

Visit the MSDN-AA login form and search for:

  • “Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate (x86) – DVD (English)”
  • “Expression Studio 4 Ultimate (x86) – DVD (English)”

@Other visitors
Don’t’ worry if you don’t have access to the MSDN-AA.
The tools from Microsoft Dreamspark are fine too. High Schools, Vocational and Trade Schools, Community Colleges and Universities are all eligible to participate in the DreamSpark program.

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