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2020 März




vonJohannes Hoppe


On 20, Mrz 2020 | inAngular2 | vonJohannes Hoppe

There was some great participation via ngx-deploy-starter recently. It is a starter repository to create a new builder to utilize the `ng deploy` command.

Learn more at:

This project has the following purposes:

  1. To promote the adoption of ng deploy by providing a blueprint for new builders.
  2. To clarify various questions and to standardise the experience of the existing builders.

We hope for an inspiring discussion, pull requests and questions.

If you don't know ng deploy yet, learn more about this command here:
👉 Blogpost: All you need to know about ng deploy

The following projects belong to the ngx-deploy-starter family:

  • angular-cli-ghpages – Deploy your Angular app to GitHub pages directly from the Angular CLI! 🚀
  • ngx-deploy-docker – Deploy your Angular Application to a Docker registry directly from the Angular CLI! 🚀
  • ngx-deploy-npm – Deploy your Angular Package to NPM directly from the Angular CLI! 🚀