For my latest talk I have prepared a node.js demo project, called „SolarTournament“. It demonstrates a bunch of technologies.
But first of all: Let’s have some fun and enter the live multiplayer tournament!
Don’t get confused: At the moment you can’t destroy other players spaceships, only asteroids. It’s simply not implemented. Or in other words: Nobody gets harmed! ;-)

This is demo code
The game is based on Node.js and uses the express web development framework, the Jade template engine, the Stylus CSS engine, Socket.IO for WebSocket communication and last but not least MongoDB – for storing the highscore. (this feature is not online at the moment)
Dies ist eine Vorschau auf Introducing SolarTournament
. (164 Wörter, 1 Bild, Geschätzte Zeit zum Lesen: 39 Sekunden)