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2010 Dezember



inRIA lecture

vonJohannes Hoppe

Lesson 08 – AJAX and jQuery

On 08, Dez 2010 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe

Here we go:

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inRIA lecture

vonJohannes Hoppe

Your course achievement II (Specifications)

On 06, Dez 2010 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe

@My Students

There are continued confusions about the requirements of your project.  After my first lecture I defined the details. (see post from 12th October 2010). The specifications are still in effect and they remain unchanged:

[BOX_START]Specifications for you application

  • Server Side: C# 4, ASP.NET MVC 2 and Entity Framework 4
  • Client Side:
  • Team size: max 3 people *


[BOX_START]As you see, Silverlight is NOT required!
It is only essential for your SketchFlow Prototype! (Every team has to provide a dedicated prototype!)

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vonJohannes Hoppe

Free ebook: Programming Windows Phone 7, by Charles Petzold

On 04, Dez 2010 | inWP7 | vonJohannes Hoppe

Free ebook: Programming Windows Phone 7, by Charles Petzold

This book is a gift from the Windows Phone 7 team at Microsoft to the programming community.
The books shows you the basics of writing applications for Windows Phone 7 using the C# programming language with the Silverlight and XNA 2D frameworks.

This book is divided into three parts:

The first part discusses basic concepts of Windows Phone 7 programming using example programs that target both Silverlight and the XNA framework.
The second part of this book focuses entirely on Silverlight, and the third part on XNA 2D.

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Unity Application Block: Event Broker with ASP.NET MVC

On 03, Dez 2010 | inAOP, Clean Code Developer | vonJohannes Hoppe

For my colleagues at work I evaluated the Simple Event Broker from the Patterns and Practices team. In my opinion this extension is a very valuable piece of software!

To learn more about the Event Broker, you should read:

I made a small sample solution, based on my “WebNoteMvc” project.

The scenario is easy: I want my repositories (or services) to be loosely coupled. In my database foreign references are used. So before I delete data from one repository other repositories should get a notice. The related repositories are now forced to delete their own related data from the DB to keep the data integrity.

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inRIA lecture

vonJohannes Hoppe

Lesson 07 – Continued: Unit Testing in Detail

On 01, Dez 2010 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe

We are going to continue with the slides from last lecture.
I will give you a lot of space for questions and to conduct experiments with your code!

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