2011 Januar
Test-Exam 2: Rich Internet Applications
On 31, Jan 2011 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe
FindStackOverlowAttribute vs. StackOverlowException
On 19, Jan 2011 | inAOP | vonJohannes Hoppe
StackOverlowExceptions caused by recursive calls are evil bugs.
While developing on your local machine you have a high chance to jump right into the buggy line of code by attaching Visual Studio to the process. I’m talking about ASP.NET websites, so in my case it’s the w3wp.exe process.
But as soon as your code goes live your debugging possibilities are limited. Of course, you can do remote debugging with Msvsmon.exe, but you still need to know where to look at.* It’s a fact: Software-Bugs successfully hide themselves from developers. So as long as you hunt them, they won’t appear. Instead they like it to scare principals or end customers. For obvious reasons these peoples won’t provide you with a Strack Trace that could help you.
Test-Exam: Rich Internet Applications
On 17, Jan 2011 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe
Here is a test exam for you. Sascha will explain this paper today (2011-01-17), in his training course.
If you are not attending his training course, you will get a second change to discuss the exam at Wednesday (2011-01-19).
As you already know, the exam will be at Wednesday, the 26th of January (2011-01-26) at 9:30 am (Tower 91 & 92).
GERMAN: WP7 Pfändungsrechner für schulden-insolvenzberatung.de
On 14, Jan 2011 | inWP7 | vonJohannes Hoppe
Für die Anwaltskanzlei Westphal habe ich eine kleine Windows Phone 7 App entwickelt.
Der Rechner ermöglicht die Berechnung des pfändbaren Einkommens unter Berücksichtigung der jeweils aktuellen Pfändungstabelle. Im Fall einer Privatinsolvenz wird dieser Betrag für die Dauer von maximal 6 Jahren vom Treuhänder oder Insolvenzverwalter monatlich eingezogen:
Was viele Leute nicht wissen: hat man mehrere Kinder, so wird sehr oft gar nichts gepfändet. Sich zu Informieren lohnt also!
Natürlich bietet sich es auch an, durch eine Schuldenberatung eine Insolvenz komplett zu vermeiden.
Kostenloser Download
Sie haben Schulden? Ermitteln Sie mit dem Pfändungsrechner, wie sich ihre finanzielle Situation im Falle einer Privatinsolvenz verändern wird.
Lesson 09 – Trends and Technologies
On 12, Jan 2011 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe
Some easy stuff for the end of the RIA-series.
I focused on two important trends: “Cloud Computing” and “Rich Internet Applications”. I want to show you the very basics of graphical RIA / AJAX patterns, which are all related to experienced graphical user interfaces, too.
GERMAN: Save the Pixel (Kompositionslehre + Effektives Webdesign)
On 12, Jan 2011 | inGeneral | vonJohannes Hoppe
[ENGLISH] I found this presentation on my disk. It’s an introduction to the art of simple and effective web design. The slides are in German only.
@My Students: FYI! This is just for your interest!
(not for the exams ;-))
[DEUTSCH] Ich habe diese Präsentation aus dem Jahre 2009 auf meiner Festplatte entdeckt. Sie führt in meine Grundsätze für ein schlichtes und effektives Webdesign ein. Inhalte sind Kompositionslehre, Effizienz und Schlichtheit und besucherspezifische Kommunikation.
New Home for the ADO.NET Unit Testable Repository Generator
On 07, Jan 2011 | inClean Code Developer | vonJohannes Hoppe
I created a project page for the
ADO.NET Unit Testable Repository Generator at
You want to contribute?
Then welcome to the party! 8-)
I would be happy to see your patches, your feedback or maybe even some more documentation! :roll:
Here are all resources that were published so far:
Let us welcome Rohan Cragg as the first contributor to the project!
(he found a bug where broken code was generated)
@All people who keep this project active:
Thank you very much!
Massive WP7 app rush
On 05, Jan 2011 | inWP7 | vonJohannes Hoppe
In the last weeks I played intensively with the Windows Phone 7 SDK.
I uploaded more than 10 mini-apps to the marketplace. Most of them are just funny or solve one special task.
Give them a try, some of them are free or have the lowest possible price!
Ultimate Fart Button
This is the ultimate fart app. 20 + 1 farts are just one fingertip away. Lay back, tap the screen and enjoy the show. You will get the full user experience.