RIA lecture This is the archive of my lecture called "Rich Internet Applications" that took place from October 2010 to April 2011.
Lesson 06 – Unit Testing in Detail
On 16, Nov. 2010 | inRIA lecture | vonJohannes Hoppe
In this lecture I want to concentrate again on Unit Tests with Visual Studio 2010. I finished the lesson with a lot of open questions. I will try to address all of them.
You can prepare yourself by [googling|yahooing|binging] about the following keywords:
- Dependencies, Dependency Injection
- Mocking
- Lambda Expressions
- MsTest, NUnit
- Moq
I will refer to revision 31 in SVN, which you can also download here:
My next big topic will be AJAX and especially jQuery. Depending on the progress with the UT stuff I will open this chapter at Wednesday, too. No special preparation will be required, but the Firebug extension for Firefox would be helpful!