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vonJohannes Hoppe

Introducing Mongo2Go

On 16, Aug. 2012 | inNoSQL | vonJohannes Hoppe

Mongo2Go is a manged wrapper around the latest MongoDB binaries. It targets .NET 3.5. and should work in later versions, too.
Currently the Nuget package contains the executables of mongodmongoimport and mongoexport v2.2.0-rc1 (32bit).

Mongo2Go has two use cases:

  1. Providing multiple, temporary and isolated MongoDB databases for unit tests (or to be precise: integration tests)
  2. Providing a quick to set up MongoDB database for a local developer environment

Unit Test / Integration test

With each call of the static method MongoDbRunner.Start() a new MongoDB instance will be set up. A free port will be used (starting with port 27018) and a corresponding data directory will be created. The method returns an instance of MongoDbRunner, which implements IDisposable. As soon as the MongoDbRunner is disposed (or if the Finalizer is called by the GC), the wrapped MongoDB process will be killed and all data in the data directory will be deleted.

Local debugging

In this mode a single MongoDB instance will be started on the default port (27017). No data will be deleted and the MongoDB instance won’t be killed automatically. Multiple calls to MongoDbRunner.StartForDebugging() will return an instance with the State “AlreadyRunning”. You can ignore the IDisposable interface, as it won’t have any effect. I highly recommend to not use this mode on productive machines! Here you should set up a MongoDB as it is described in the manual. For your convenience the MongoDbRunner also exposes mongoexport and mongoimport which allow you to quickly set up a working environment.


The Mongo2Go Nuget package can be found at

Search for „Mongo2Go“ in the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box or run:
PM> Install-Package Mongo2Go
in the Package Manager Console.

Release Notes / Known Bugs

This is the very first release of Mongo2Go. There are still some glitches here and there. The official MongoDB C# sharp driver uses a connection pool to increase efficiency. This fact can create connection problems if multiple MongoDb instances are created and killed within a short time frame. Some Thead.Sleep methods currently target this issue. Later versions should definitely address that problem.

Update v0.1.2: Everything works stable now. Please report issues or feature request via GitHub.


Example: Integration Test
(Machine.Specifications & Fluent Assertions)

    [Subject("Runner Integration Test")]
    public class when_using_the_inbuild_serialization : MongoIntegrationTest
        static TestDocument findResult;
        Establish context = () =>
        Because of = () => findResult = _collection.FindOneAs<TestDocument>();
        It should_return_a_result = () => findResult.ShouldNotBeNull();
        It should_hava_expected_data = () => findResult.ShouldHave().AllPropertiesBut(d => d.Id).EqualTo(TestDocument.DummyData1());
        Cleanup stuff = () => _runner.Dispose();
    public class MongoIntegrationTest
        internal static MongoDbRunner _runner;
        internal static MongoCollection<TestDocument> _collection;
        internal static void CreateConnection()
            _runner = MongoDbRunner.Start();
            MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(_runner.ConnectionString);
            MongoDatabase database = server.GetDatabase("IntegrationTest");
            _collection = database.GetCollection<TestDocument>("TestCollection");

More tests can be found at

Example: Exporting

using (MongoDbRunner runner = MongoDbRunner.StartForDebugging()) {
    runner.Export("TestDatase", "TestCollection", @"..\..\App_Data\test.json");

Example: Importing (ASP.NET MVC 4 Web API)

public class WebApiApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    private MongoDbRunner _runner;
    protected void Application_Start()
        _runner = MongoDbRunner.StartForDebugging();
        _runner.Import("TestDatase", "TestCollection", @"..\..\App_Data\test.json", true);
        MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(_runner.ConnectionString);
        MongoDatabase database = server.GetDatabase("TestDatabase");
        MongoCollection<TestObject> collection = database.GetCollection<TestObject>("TestCollection");
        /* happy coding! */
    protected void Application_End()

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